Dr. Strangelove, I think you gave me the wrong prescription

For starters I have chosen to rat on Stanley Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove: Or How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. Now, don't get me wrong here people, I love me some Kubrick. I fucking love it. I went into my History and Film class with my head filled with high hopes for the film. And I don't know if it was the physical act of forcefully sitting there watching it, or the broken speaker that cause everyone to strain their ears cause my professor is an un-technological douche. Or I guess it could have been the distraction of the creepy, fat 'nam vet next to me who decided to spill his coke all over my foot.
Either way, intellectually I was out of touch with the film. I'm pretty sure if I had grown up at that time, and knew first hand about the Cold War, I would have thought this film was hilarious. I think the Cold War is the most boring war in history, but then again who can top WWII? Cause Hitler is technically the shit. Or at least when I comes to causing the best wars ever!
Since I am a positive person I will say there were some good things about the film: Peter Sellers has very sexy eyes and an even sexier accent, the president looked peculiarly like Paul Shaffer, and of course one of the best quotes in movie history: "Gentleman, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"
And what does the audience think of home prepared treats brought into class? Some girl brought in homemade lemon bars and I was a little weirded out. This means that someone had the time to bake, for a class that it wasn't required. Who the fuck does that? And with each bite into the treat, I imagined her taking a sneeze into the batter, or better yet, a single drop of pee on her finger after using the restroom and never washing her hands.
Also, as a side note. If you come across this and movies happen to be your thing. Check out The Lives of Others. It fucking rocks, in that depressing East Germany secret police fucking up your life hardcore, sort of way.
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