Made of Scottish Stereotypes....

My only tiff with the film, was the blatant stereotyping of Scottish folk. I didn't really appreciate their culture being made a joke. I'm not from the country, I've visited and I loved it. My life would be complete if I could have a Scotsman fall head over heels for me. I would be that person to be stoked about wearing the family plaid. And I would devour the flesh of any animal that my man killed for me.
But I will digress, I was busy scrubbing the inside of tea canisters at work tonight, I got to thinking about how long it had been since I watched "Ghost World" and how depressed I was that I didn't bring my copy of the film down here with me to school. "Ghost World" is my go to movie to keep me balanced. I'm curious as to what other people have as their "safe movie", and by safe movie that one picture that keeps your head on straight. I believe people have one definite movie, maybe two (My second is "Bridget Jones' Diary", but I get so depressed that I don't live in London I can only handle it so many times), that makes them either feel better about life, or relate better to their lives by watching it.
Now more than ever I feel it necessary to get some Enid in my life.
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