This is part a boastful post since I was able to figure out how to load pictures from my cell phone onto the interwebs, and part I did something very college-like and smart. I went with my roommate, Cara, to see a Hillary Clinton convention/rally/please vote for me cause I'm a woman and my husband is Bill thingy.
Now, I'll admit I'm not voting today in the primaries (please don't throw things at me!) because I forgot to sign up for absentee voting. And honestly, I have been totally absent from knowing anything about any of the candidates. The only politician that I was rooting for was Fred Thompson (Law & Order, duh!), but he dropped out. I do have the full intentions on voting in the actual elections in November, once I've done a little research and turned on the news every once in awhile to see what the candidates are talking about.
I grew up in a household where my mom bashed the Clintons nearly everyday and Rush Limbaugh would be playing in our living room every afternoon. So, Hillary is someone I'm not too fond of, but because I am an educated college individual I decided it was mature pants time.
Plus, it was an awesome experience. It kind of made me yearn for the days when I would read the newspaper everyday (yes, me as a 19 year-old would stop at a USA Today machine and put my 75 cents for a fresh copy of the world's news) and watch CNN and FoxNews non-stop. Honestly, after taking Government my senior year of high school and Political Science my freshman year, I got to the point where I couldn't take the back and forth of politics. It's like elementary school all over again. The Democrats are in the sand box, and pointing and telling jokes about the Republicans who are on the swings, and vice versa. It's a big game of who can point the finger at who at recess time.
And concerning some issues, I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other. For instance, abortion. I think it is wrong, if you have the sex and it turns about to score a hit, then you should be made to deal with the outcome. But then again, my 19 year-old sister is pregnant, so now my view has become a little askew. And with gay marriage. I don't know if it's right, but I've met some gay couples who are very much in love, so why should the government stop them?
But anyways, this post has become entirely too long. Here are some pics, none of them any good, but still. I got them on the interwebs, so you best enjoy dammit!
This was the line outside of Central High School. We arrived a half hour before the doors opened, cause we're good at preplanning. And we're awesome like that. But honestly, there weren't a lot of people there, but it was a Monday and finals week for both colleges down here in Evansville, so...
This is the view from seat #1.
Then this is the view from seat #2. My roommate saw some friends of hers down on the floor surrounding the gate, but when we went down there to join them some asshole told us we couldn't go on the floor. We were sad, but an official Hillary lady told us that they weren't supposed to do that, and then she moved us to bleachers behind Hillary so we could be on tv.

People were mucho excited and cheered. Damn signs were always in the way.

Speaking of signs, this is mine. I don't know what "AFSCME" means, but I like their green.

Hello Evan Bayh! He was mere inches from me. I don't know why he excites me, but I do know him and his dad are very important Hoosier politicians. Plus, I live in the "Bayh" building on campus.

So, the dude in the very center kind of looking straight at me is Secret Service, and just a couple minutes before I took this photo, he was standing right next to me. His jacket even rubbed up against me! I think the Secret Service is awesome, and it's very intriguing to watch them move with Hillary and how they scan the crowds so diligently. It's kind of freaking amazing. I consider them realistic versions of Superman, only more awesome then Superman cause their underwear is INSIDE their pants.

More Secret Service around Hillary. This is about the closest I got to Madam Clinton. I think she was very tired.

More of her talking, she talked for about 20 hardy minutes. Her voice was hoarse, and the microphone kept fucking up, but she was a good sport about it all. She mentioned a lot about getting new jobs into the state, lowering the price of gas, and making college affordable.
I was all for new jobs and getting the economy back on track. As far as college goes, I think it's well in the range of possible to go to school without paying too much back. I think the state does a good job in providing in as much grant money to everyone as they can.
The guy in the tie, lounging on the stage= HOTTT. He had wild eyebrows and I was so okay with that!